Not Much I Can Say

Hello everyone; Well steady as she goes, and there’s not much I can say about today fishing and weather. But we had another great day of Yellowfin tuna action. We are now on the third hole, and what a day. Most of the Yellowfin that we kept, were over 100 pounds, and we released about 15 more in the 50-80 pound range.

Weather continues to be excellent, with enough breeze to keep the kite up, and we didn’t have the overcast yesterday, and today you could tell the difference in the weather. It was a bit warm today. Largest fish was caught this morning, and the lucky angler was Frank LoPreste, with a 230 pound Yellowfin. Frank had a great day, as he landed 4 more Yellowfin, all over the 100 pound mark.

We will try to make a few tanks of bait tonight, and see what tomorrow will bring. The fish started biting early this morning, as Steve Marshall caught two fish around the 140-150 range on a PL68. Everyone onboard having a great time. So that’s it for now, just let the photos do the rest of the talking, Team R/P

“BeNt RoDs 4 LiFe”🎣🎣🎣🎣🎣
Way to go Steve! At the pace your going I’m sure a 300# Yellowfin is just another trip away. Hard to beat the RP…