Hello everyone, well things are getting better each day, as far as size. We caught our first 300 of the trip, and the luck angler was Gary Cotter, out of south-central LA. Gary was on the kite, around 16:00 hours, this giant took the bait (flying fish), and the fight was on. After a long battle, over an hour, the first two gaffs went into the fish, then 3 more, to get this giant onboard. The fish weighed in at 303 pounds, his first fish over 300 pounds. He is one happy camper.

Honorable mention was Eric Thomas, Eric’s fish also came on the kite, and his fish weighed in at 245 pounds. We had many other fish in the 140 to 190 range, and the largest fish on the fly line was caught by John Yamate Sr, his fish was estimated around 190 pounds.

Around mid-day, Roy pulled the anchor and went to the high spot on the bank, and we caught a few leatherback cabrillas. We will try to make another tank of bait tonight, last night was a bit tough, but we manage to get a tank.

Weather continues to be excellent, with 10-12 knots of breeze, slight overcast, and warm. We will hope to keep this action going, so until tomorrow, wish us luck. Team R/p
“BeNt RoDs 4 LiFe”