Morning Bite Blow Up
Morning Bite Take Over
Hello everyone; Well, it’s the same story down here. Good in the morning, and a bit slow in the afternoon (after lunch). The bite started at 0600 hours, and by lunch time it was over.
There were two categories of fish today, one 40-to-70-pound fish, then the 120 to over 200-pound fish. Lucky angler today was John Yamate and Kevin Shannon.
Both fish came on the fly line bait, and John also got another one on the kite around 190. We are now working on our third hole, and the size of the fish, we might start having a catch and release tournament. But only time will tell.
Weather continues be excellent. Slight breeze, flat seas, and sunny. We have a couple of tanks open, so the crew will try to fill them again tonight. So, with that thought, wish us luck, team R/p.
“BeNt RoDs 4 LiFe”